It’s all too easy to put off having an eye exam. You keep using the same excuses. You don’t have time. It would interfere with work. You don’t really need another eye exam. After all, avoiding an eye exam couldn’t hurt that much, could it? Actually, it could, and it’s never a good idea to procrastinate when it comes to your eye health. Here are some of the telltale signs that you need to schedule an eye exam.
You’re Experiencing Pain and Sensitivity
Your body has a way of detecting problems before you’re even aware of them. The same holds for your eyesight. Even if you haven’t noticed any issues with your vision, your body may be sending you hints that you shouldn’t ignore. Frequently, these hints come in the form of pain and sensitivity to light.
Pains caused by vision problems take many forms. For example, you may experience strain on your eyes from extended bouts of reading or spending too much time on your smartphone. You may also experience headaches from near-constant squinting to bring your vision into focus. While these may seem like nothing ibuprofen can’t solve, chances are you should call the optometrist.
Light sensitivity is often harder to pin down. Who hasn’t had difficulty adjusting after stepping outside from being in a dark room? However, if you’re noticing that it’s taking you longer and longer to get back into focus, you’re likely grappling with some form of sensitivity. Light sensitivity is most frequently caused by the weakening of the muscles that cause your iris to expand and contract. It usually happens with age, but your optometrist will be able to tell you the root cause and help correct it.
Your Vision Has Changed
Do you have to bring books closer to your face to read? Do you find yourself inching closer to the TV to see what’s happening? Have you noticed that your surroundings seem a little less crisp than they once were? You’re probably experiencing some vision changes.
Your eyes constantly move, change, and adapt, even if it doesn’t seem like it. Oftentimes, changes in eyesight are subtle and occur over time. You may not even notice them until they’ve become a hassle to handle. Others seem to happen overnight and are a major source of frustration. While some vision changes seem more drastic than others, you shouldn’t let any of them go unchecked for too long as they have the potential to lead to further complications.
The changes may be larger ones, such as vision blurring, that make it difficult to accomplish everyday tasks. Vision changes can also seem less consequential, like squinting or occasional difficulty focusing. Though these seem like smaller issues, unfocused vision and squinting can indicate greater health problems.
It’s Been Too Long
You wouldn’t put off a doctor’s appointment, so why put off a trip to the optometrist? Though many people don’t view eye exams as important as visits to the doctor or dentist, you should still schedule regular appointments to stay on top of your eye health.
Frequent debates have happened over how often eye exams should be, but the consensus is that you should seek a complete eye exam every two to four years. However, this window can change depending on your age, your unique vision needs, and whether or not you’re an “at-risk” individual.
“At-risk” individuals are people who are more likely to have vision complications. Diseases such as diabetes and hypertension put you at much greater risk for difficulties with eye health. Other considerations include a genetic predisposition to conditions such as macular degeneration and glaucoma. Also, medications that have eye-related side effects should be disclosed to your optometrist so they can carefully monitor your vision health.
Put the I in Eye
Vision health is essential to your overall well-being, so don’t push it aside. It’s always better to address problems as you spot them instead of waiting for them to get worse. If you’re ready to schedule your next eye exam, contact the dedicated professionals at eyecare center Jackson Davenport, the premier vision center in Summerville, South Carolina.